Website guide

You now have access to more menu items, with sub menus under them.

Main menuSub menus
Member detailsMy profile, Sign out (please sign out here when you finish)
ShootingTen sub menus regarding the shooting calendar, achievements and results
ScoresheetsHow to record scores and several sets of scoresheets you can download and print.
Club information Seven sub menus including documents, latest newsletter and committee meeting minutes, handouts and information on club clothing and fundraising.
Galleries An assortment of photo galleries, old and new.

If you are using a small screen device such as a phone the sub menus will be hidden. To reveal them place your cursor at the right hand edge of the main menu item and a plus sign will appear. Click on this and the sub menus will be listed.

There is information here if you need extra help to navigate around the members menu and check club shoot results. Click on the links for the information you want.

Using the website from a computer

Using the website from a mobile device